Thursday 3 January 2008


i am tres miffed today as it is january 3rd and STILL no russell.
shockin really isn't it.
harrrrrrrrre krishna.
kiss kiss.

Tuesday 1 January 2008


not mega sure how this works but im presuming if you are reading this you share my unconditional lurrrrrve for russell brand and you whole heartedly support me in my quest as stated up there in title.
in which case 'elloooo!
or maybe you are here to sabotage the aforementioned mission.
in which case, how vair dare yooou!
its 1:11 am on january the 2nd 2008 and yesterday i made a promise to myself, often called a 'new years resolution'. this promise/nyr was to 'meet and woo russell brand'.
i wonder to myself how many others will have made this nyr yesterday, probably loads and loooads cos quite frankly the man is ham-ay-zing.
i am not the skinniest or hottttest (quadruple 't' for emphasis) of girls which is going to make this noble quest all the more difficile as the spanish would say..i think. i presume mr r brand has a constant gaggle of phitties behind him giving him the worship he vair deserves.
so how, one wonders to oneself, does one distract one away from them.
so far i have no ideas.
and i live in manchester/nottingham during term time which i think you will agree is not london or essex where i presume mr brand frequents so i cant just 'bump' into him.
v unfortunate.
i have another nyr which is to loose 2 stone, as i think this will help me on my other not sure if i to woo russell brand.
im going to give this some uber dedication after jan the 14th or whenever the heck my last exam is.
obv i will keep you in the know if genius(haha)/opportunity strikes at any time.
happy new yearrrrrrrrrrrrrr to you alllllll!
in the words of monsieur brandy poos
byeee byeeee love ooooooo love oooooo!